
Lab Researchers


Graduate Students

Ashley Ezpeleta is a fourth-year doctoral student in the Human Development area within the Department of Educational Psychology working with Dr. Haley Vlach in the Learning, Cognition, and Development Lab. Before starting graduate school, Ashley attended Miami University and received her B. A. in Psychology and a minor in Linguistics. She was also the lab manager for Dr. Edward Hubbard’s Educational Neuroscience Lab (also here at UW). Ashley’s current research interests lie in understanding how lower (e.g. biological)- and higher (e.g. meta)- memory processes influence young children’s language learning, with the goal of applying her work to educational settings.


Samantha Macksey is a second-year Ph.D. student in the Human Development area of the Department of Educational Psychology. Samantha received her B.A. in Psychology and a minor in Mathematical Modeling of Complex Systems from Northeastern Illinois University in 2023. Her research interests involve the examination of how children’s understanding of science and math can predict how likely they are to go into STEM careers. Also, to navigate mechanisms driving acquisition of math and science understanding which is essential for increasing the capacity for students to enter into biomedical and STEM research. Her objective is to enhance the early-stage development of the educational system and curriculum.


Yi Tong is a fifth-year Ph.D. student in the Human Development area in the Department of Educational Psychology. Yi received her B.S. in Human Development and Family Studies and Psychology from UW-Madison in Fall 2019. Yi’s research interests primarily lie in the study of children’s language learning processes with a focus on educational applications. She is interested in how children’s prior knowledge and experience with language shape their learning and how they use contextual cues to facilitate word learning. Yi is being advised by Dr. Haley Vlach.


EzgiEzgi Melisa Yüksel is a fifth-year Ph.D. student in the Cognitive Psychology area of the Psychology Department. Ezgi received her B.A. from Middle East Technical University in Psychology and her M.A. in Cognitive Psychology from Bilkent University. Her main interest is how we train learning and memory processes. She is also interested in whether we can change people’s learning strategies to make them better learners.


Lab Manager

Alyssa Shack is the lab manager of the LCD Lab. She earned a B.S. in Psychology and Spanish from UW-Madison, and hopes to attend graduate school in the field of Developmental/Cognitive Psychology. Outside of the lab, she enjoys traveling, trying new restaurants, biking, listening to music, and spending time with family and friends.




Undergraduate Research Assistants

Annabelle Letizia is an undergraduate research assistant in the LCD Lab. She is a junior studying Communication Sciences and Disorders with a certificate in Gender and Women’s Studies. After graduating, she plans to attend graduate school for Speech Language Pathology. She enjoys cooking, trying new restaurants, reading, and going on walks!




Annika Johnson is a Junior majoring in Psychology with a Certificate in Education & Educational Services. After completing her undergraduate degree, she plans to attend graduate school for School Psychology. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with friends and family, visiting coffee shops, and playing tennis!




Ava Sainterme is an undergraduate research assistant in the LCD Lab. She is a Junior studying Philosophy and Psychology. After graduating, she plans to attend graduate school for Educational Psychology with an emphasis on its interconnection with Philosophy. She enjoys soccer (playing and watching),  listening to music, and baking. 




Dora Chang is an undergraduate research assistant in the LCD Lab majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders. After completing her undergraduate degree, she plans to attend graduate school for Speech-Language Pathology. In her free time, she enjoys spending quality time with her family and friends, watching movies, and going on sunset walks. 




Emma Steinberg is a junior studying Psychology with a certificate in Folklore. After graduating, she plans on attending graduate school for a master’s in counseling. In her free time, she loves reading fantasy books, watching Marvel movies, spending time with her dogs, getting lunch with friends, and playing pickleball with her family. 




Eva S.

Eva Sakellakis is an undergraduate research assistant in the LCD lab. She is majoring in Psychology and Neurobiology with certificates in Education & Education Services. She plans to attend graduate school for School Psychology after graduation. She enjoys going on long walks, trying new restaurants, cooking, and spending time with her friends.




Eveanna Mendoza is a junior double majoring in Global Health and Spanish with a minor in Public Policy. She has been with the LCD lab for the past two years. Outside of the lab, she is a part of PALMA, a pre-health association. In Eveanna’s free time, she enjoys working out at the gym, going on coffee dates, and spending time with her brother and niece.




Julia Xiong is a fourth-year undergraduate research assistant in the LCD Lab majoring in Psychology with a certificate in Science communication. After completing her undergraduate degree, she plans to attend graduate school to pursue further research in psychology. In her free time, she enjoys going on walks, playing the guitar/piano, and spending time with her loved ones!



Kylie Schumacher is an undergraduate research assistant in the LCD Lab studying Elementary Education with minors in Mathematics and Science. After graduating, she wants to be a science teacher. She is very interested in research and understanding how children learn science concepts.





Leela Hart is an undergraduate research assistant in the LCD lab majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders. After graduating, she plans to attend graduate school for Speech-Language Pathology. She enjoys traveling, walks, baking, and spending time with family and friends. 




Max Komisar is an undergraduate research assistant in the LCD lab studying Psychology and getting a certificate in Education and Educational services. After graduating, Max hopes to attend graduate school for psychology. Outside of the lab, Max loves to run, read, and travel!



Michael Trotier is a senior majoring in Psychology. After he graduates, he plans on attending a graduate program in Clinical Psychology. In his free time, he enjoys going to the gym, playing tennis, and fishing.

Renata Almachnee is an undergraduate research assistant in the LCD lab. She is a freshman studying Neurobiology on the pre-medical track. After completing her undergraduate degree, she plans to attend medical school. In her free time, she enjoys watching Gossip Girl, trying new coffee shops, working out, and spending time with her loved ones.

Taylor Mielke is an undergraduate research assistant in the LCB lab. She is a senior studying Neurobiology and Psychology. After completing her undergraduate degree, she hopes to attend graduate school and continue her education in psychology. In her free time, she enjoys reading, playing pickleball, trying new restaurants/coffee shops, going for long walks along the Lakeshore Path, and spending time with her family. 


Lab Alumni

Sophia Africano
Leena Abu-Zahra
Violet Allscheid
Carly Babino
Amanda Babler
Emma Backlund
Alexia Bales
Ben Barmore 
Rachel Beletti
Lauren Belfer
Emily Bero
Molly Bodziak
Maddie Bohrnstedt
Catherine Bredemann
Yee Cao
Ashley Carfagno
Kayla Conklin
Adam Cook
Phoebe Crumpton
Courtney Cullen
Elizabeth Duchow
Jenna Dundas
Katherine Dunne
Taylor Dworak
Karissa Ebert
Brooke Effinger
Kaitlynn Ellis
Brittany Fahres
April Feng
Katie Fischer
Emily Fradin
Britney Fredrick
Emma Fricke
Nicole Fugate
Maggie Gallagher
Hannah Georgeson
Olivia Goulette
Annie Grabowski
Ellie Grant
Kaylin Gruen
Clara Haeffner
Jessie Handler
Brynn Hermanson
Rebecca Herrmann
Brynn Hesselberg
Alexis Hosch
Kayla Hui
Cailin Inman
Katelyn Iverson
Natalie Jacobson
Meghan Kappelman
Chris Karuza
Anna Katz
Emily Katz
Megan Kaul
Nikki Key
Jichan Kim
Rebecca Kish
Nicole Klans
Mariah Klingeisen
Melina Knabe
Alanna Koritzinsky
Aaron Kremsreiter
Carla Kraft
Melissa LaMeer
Sarah Langer
Jenna Langmeier
Sophia Laundre
Emma Lazaroff
Lauren Lennon
Kimberly Lieberman
Raizel Lieberman
Kylie Lowen
Frances Madden-Gardeniers
Ana Masad
Maddie Masters
Madeline McDonnell
Samantha McGarvey
Leah McKirgan
Stephanie Meder
Madison Mellen
Natalie Mickola
Hailey Miller
Hilary Miller
Tyra Mills
Jordan Minick
Natalie Miselem
Nena Nakum
Afton Noll
Nigel Noll
Tayler Nowak
Sydney Olmsted
Kimberly Otto
Bethany Patrick
Hailey Papa
Malery Peat
Lexi Peterson
Aly Pfaff
Nicole Pierick
Francesca Przlomski
Molly Pugh
Tinea Reuter
Caitlin Rhoten
Jessica Riegert
Melissa Rosenfeld
Dorie Ross
Marissa Saffrin
Annie Salcedo
Chloe Santiago
Hailey Sawtelle
Hailey Scandin
Natalie Schaffhauser
Maddie Schebil
Lauren Schilling
Lindsay Schoff
Christina Schonberg
Jamie Seward
Tess Shinbaum
Nathan Simon
Kayla Siok
Erika Smithrud
Paige Sprague
Ellise Suffill
Ada Terman
Ben Thomas
Emily Utic
Elena Valentyn
Aly Verson
Matthew Walczak
Ellen Weber
Sarah Weber
McKenna Wenzel
Laura Wintheiser
Rachael Wooten
Carly Wunrow
Amber Wyman
Allie Yingst
Zechun Zhao
Wenqui Zhou
Stephanie Zumba